
Did you know there are lots of English-focused internships to be snagged here in 西雅图? We also have career resources to get you thinking about life after college.


SPU 就业中心 and 调用

The 就业中心 and 调用 is your first stop for information about finding and registering for an internship.  You can also take a 1-credit course, GS 3001 Internship and Job 搜索 Strategies, specifically designed for Arts and Humanities majors.


A 网站 listing jobs and internships for college students and recent graduates in the Puget Sound area.


图像a journal of the arts and religion edited in 西雅图, reserves several internships per year for SPU undergraduates.

西雅图城市 杂志

Several SPU English majors have interned at 西雅图了 近年来.  的出版商 西雅图了, SagaCity Media, also accepts interns in its Custom Division.

西雅图 杂志

实习在 西雅图 magazine normally last six months.  的出版商 西雅图 magazine, Tiger Oak Media, publishes several other 西雅图 magazines as well.


实习在 铜峡谷, one of the nation's leading publishers of poetry books, located in lovely Port Townsend, 华盛顿.  Summer internship available for those who cannot travel back and forth from Port Townsend during the school year.


中医 包括KTCS 9, the largest public television station in the Northwest, as well as the independent journalism site Crosscut.com.


本地公关公司 may offer you an internship even if they are not currently advertising one.


这些实习 are based in New York City, but they are PAID.  Available in summer, fall, and spring.  


这些也是一样 纽约实习.




超过2000 U.S. college graduates entered the 和平队 in the year 2000; nearly 7,500 volunteers are currently serving overseas or in training, 在教育领域占多数. (Note that the Corps recommends that undergraduates study a foreign language in college, 最好是法语或西班牙语.)


奖学金 对你.S. college graduates who wish to teach English or conduct research in another country.  高度竞争的.

Japan Exchange and Teaching Program (JET)

Salaried one- and two-year English language 教师岗位 在日本学校接受美国教育.S. college graduates, sponsored by the Japanese 政府.


免费的服务 that matches those interested in teaching English in Chinese schools with teaching jobs.  (However, you must have earned a TEFL certificate before applying.)


一个全面的, less-commercial 数据库 on international education and travel.

English Language Institute (ELIC)

Summer and one-year English language 教学经验 in Asia for Christian college students, including the China Teaching Fellowship program for college graduates.

Careers in Publishing, Teaching, Nonprofits, etc.


国家上市 of jobs for liberal arts graduates, 包括书面工作, 编辑, and communications (available online for a subscription fee).

Summer Publishing Institute at New York University

一年一度的夏季工作坊 for college graduates seeking jobs in book, magazine, or online publishing.

Publishing Institute at the University of Denver

另一个受人尊敬的 夏天车间 for college graduates seeking jobs in publishing.

University of 华盛顿 Certificate in Editing

这个备受尊敬的项目 is offered through UW Professional and 继续教育.

National Association of Independent 学校

仙女虫属 lists teaching and administrative jobs at nearly 2,000 private schools that do not ordinarily require state teaching certification (although they may expect teaching experience).


为美国而教 places recent college graduates in low-income, high-need schools across the country, with salaries paid by local school districts.


一个全面的 网站 for those interested in graduate training in the teaching of English as a second language.


社区 service opportunities for recent college graduates, sponsored by the U.S. 政府. A great way to explore service as a potential career.

Orion 杂志’s Grassroots Jobsource

A 网站 listing “green” jobs and internships.

Idealist: Action Without Borders

A 网站 listing jobs and internships with nonprofit organizations in the U.S. 在世界各地.


Need help finding the right book?

问图书管理员! They can assist you in selecting the best resources for assignments and research.

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times...”